Monday, January 17, 2011

Brian McLellen Interviewed

So Brian, where are you at?
I am in Concord, NC (outside Charlotte).

What are you doing there?
I am enrolled at FIRE-School of Ministry getting training to be the warrior Christ has called me to be. To be equipped for a Jesus Revolution.

How do you like it?
I like it a lot. The teachers are full of wisdom and revelation. I like the fact that they teach it all in a practical way so as to make it easy to apply. haha

Is there anything you have been struggling with lately?
I have been struggling to really understand and grasp what the LORD has called me to do; in layman's terms, my destiny in Christ. I suppose it is a rut of finding out who i am in Jesus.

When you realize you are struggling with something is there someone you prefer talk to about it, if so who?
Yeah, there is definitely someone i prefer to talk to. Since i've been here i have been talking to my really good friend, (who is more like an older brother to me), Sean Graham.

How much skating are you getting to do with that east coast winter/ do you have an indoor park you can get gnarly at?
I was able to do a lot of skating up until about two weeks ago, haha. Then the beautiful snow came.There isn't an indoor park right now, but i am blessed to be apart of one in progress. I am also going to be working there later when it is finished and the owner has asked me to preach on occasion :-)

What is your board set up at the moment of this interview?
My current shred sled make up is: 8" (ATM) MOBB Skates team deck; Topped with Black Diamond grip (with my touch of a painted Scotland Flag); 1" Independent bolts; 8" Stage 10 Standard Independent Trucks; Abec 5 Bullseye Bearings; Black 52mm shop wheels.

Any scripture that you have really been holding onto lately?
I have been really stuck on Romans 6:7 "For he who has died has been freed from sin." And all of Romans 6 in general. Also Matthew 10.

Inspirational quote to cap this thing off?
"Every man dies, but not every man truly lives." ~William Wallace

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mark Vote Interviewed!

What is Tentative Skateboarding?
Tentative is a skateboard ministry first and foremost. Tentative is subject to change, just as we are subject to change when the creator of the universe moves into our hearts. We are just a tight nit group of guys with a heart for ministry, helping others, serving Jesus and skateboarding. We use the talents that God has given to us to try and turn it back around so He can get the glory and His good news of redemption and love is heard. Weather we are doing a demo, outreach, or are just at the skatepark with our friends we try to be a light in a dark culture. On and off our boards we strive to be the best we can be for our God. In all we do we want to honor the only one worth being called a King.

What made you want to start TSM?
Im doing what I was called to do. When I am skateboarding I am in my element. It was my first love. Its my favorite thing to do in the world. All I ever wanted to do was become pro so I could travel the world doing what I love. I wanted the glory and the fame. After hearing the Gospel, being introduced to the King of kings and having a gnarly experience with God my perspective started to change. I realized how much of a blessing skateboarding is. How it is able to be used as a tool teaching life lessons, getting kids out of trouble, and giving them an outlet. Most of all how God can use a silly little toy to forever change lives for His glory.

What is it like being married, working full time, skating as much as possible and trying to faithfully run a ministry like this?
Really Hard haha. Very worth it. My wife is amazing, very supportive and encourages me to do what I need to do. She gets me in check every time i start to get stressed out from work, skating or life in general and i have an rad group of guys i rely on for support as well when I am struggling. As for skating, the winter is killing me. I work from 8-5 Monday through Friday, so as soon as I get off its already getting dark. So I always just go skate the Springfield Skatepark. Every weekend there is almost always someone staying at our house. So that's when I am able to try to film and just try to be a big brother to these dudes.

What do you struggle with?
What dont I struggle with? Off the top of my head...Pride, Lust, Envy, Not always doing what I know I should. Im a mess haha. Whether its something I say, think or do i am always missing Gods mark. Though I am such a mess my King has redeemed me. I am eternally His. My life is not my own anymore, and although I still mess up more than I want to admit I am forgiven. I cant shock Jesus. No matter how bad I feel when I mess up and how terrible I think I am. When He was on that cross He saw everything I was ever going to do against Him, all the times I turned my head away, all the times I spit on His gift, all the times I royally screwed up. He saw what I did and He didnt get off that cross. He bore my sins for me. He didnt have to, He was God yet He Humbled Himself to death because of all the idiotic things I would ever do, so I could spend eternity with Him. I am drowning in Gods grace and forgiveness yet deserve NON of it. No matter how good I can make myself, nothing compares to His love. The best part is, Jesus didnt just die for me. He died for you too. His gift is free, yet costs you everything you have. Even your life. and there is nothing I want more in the entire world than to serve my King, even if skateboarding is taken away. He is my prize, not a trick, or a sponsor or even the the best wife in the world. All is dim compared to Jesus. We are forgiven because He was forsaken.

Anything else to encourage those might still be reading?
Absolutely. Gods love is more faithful than the morning, and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from Him.

-If anyone is interested in having Tentative to do a demo, have an outreach, teach a camp or to just encourage your skate kids please feel free to contact us. Our team is more than able to help out. There is no mission to small or big.

Thank you, TSM

Michael Portugal Interviewed!

What have you been up to this winter?
Working at the skatepark, riding the fixie around town, spending time with my homeless friends, taking tons of photos, exploring outerspace, traveling in the mayonnaise, and skating a bit.

What are some things you want to accomplish this year?
Oh boy!... a lot. Most importantly i want to grow as close to our Beloved as possible. I want to dedicate myself more for Him. I want to be more involved with the homeless and at the skatepark.

So many times have you been hit by a car or caused a wreck?
I've been hit by a car like 5 times. Only 2 were more major. Ive caused plenty of wrecks. hahaha

In all seriousness how bad was it and what got you through it and back to your old self?
It was bad. but should have been worse. i was inches away of having my head blown off. Car hit me going 35 while i was on my bike. i flew 40 feet. i thought i had broken legs. but after x-rays, i only had badly bruised knees and deep cuts on my lower neck/upper back. didn't skate for months though. it was intense.

What role does skateboarding play in your relationship with God?
Quite a big role. I learned so much about the faith at Ramp 48 skate park. Skating has always been a tool to share with other skaters also.

You work at Ramp 48 skatepark in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with two of the most awesome guys i know (Uli Frallicciardi and Joe Ferraro) what is that like and how is it working with such men of faith?
AMAZING! Its the best job i could ever ask for. They both encourage me so much and I have grown so much because of them. And its been my local park since I was in 4th grade, So its rad to be working there now

Do you skate more or work more at the park now?
Sadly I skate a lot less now than I used too. I work full time. At least I get to skate the park everyday.

When is the last time you learned a new trick and what was it?
Hardflip yo!

What are you struggling with?
I'd say Im struggling the most with pride. Humility is my goal

Do you have someone you go to when you start to struggle? If so how does it help you?
No better councilor than the Spirit. gives me peace. Oh sweet peace

Any words of encouragement for the readers?
"Seek not to be loved, but to LOVE!"

Lets end this with a banger. which would you rather rub in your hair? frankincense or myrrh and why?
I use both, but i prefer frank because its sweeter. Patchouli also ☮

Sean Danaher Interviewed!

What have you been doing lately?
Lots of skateboarding, little bit of working, and seeing my Girlfriend whenever I can. I'm on winter break so I've had more chances to get out and skate, getting some filming done.

How is school going, what are you studying?
School is school! I'm in general studies, undeclared major, I guess. I've been looking into bible schools or some school I could go to and take undergrad classes with some bible/theology courses. I need some prayer and direction for that one though.

How is your new job, what do you do there/where?
Well, I'm jumping between two jobs at Barnes and Noble and Rascals skateshop, at barnes, I sell books, at Rascals I sell skateboards. It's fun!

How has God been blessing you as of late?
Well, I got a job at rascals, and that's a big blessing. I have a summer job as an x-camp councilor at River Valley Ranch. I've got a great girlfriend who loves Jesus, and I'm being really provided for by my parents. I'm starting to recognize the work they put in to take care of me and send me to school. I also have a VW bus that's almost ready to roll.

Any struggles?
Well, God has been faithful lately. I struggled with lust with my girlfriend for a time, desiring things that aren't meant for an unmarried couple, but God got me sick with a cold, and then I gave her my cold and it got really bad, so we learned our lesson. It just shows there's a physical consequence to sin, but we repent and are healed. Pride in skateboarding is always getting at me too. I shouldn't be as into myself or my tricks. I also want to maintain better devotion. And I get in a disrespectful mood with my parents often... All of this needs prayer.

How do you go about getting away from this stuff? Any tips for who ever is reading this and also struggling with you?
Pray! Confess your sins first to God and then to your brothers, asking them to pray. James 5:16 for sure. I read Psalm 51 too, and try to make that my prayer. If you're becoming more like Christ, you've got to hate your sin more and more, and if your mind wants to satisfy the Holy Spirit, you will hate those sins. Choose to please the spirit, not the flesh.

Do you have someone you always try to go to when you are struggling? What role does that play in your relationship with God?
I have some brothers in the faith from my church who are all around the states at college, but they're only a text or a phone call away. I recruit my prayer warriors, and they pray for me. It also helps my accountability when someone straight up asks me how I'm doing with a sin struggle and what my plan is to get out of it. My girlfriend is the main one though, she kicks my butt, but I know Jesus way more because of her.

What are some things you are wanting to accomplish in 2011?
Every year, I look back and realize how stupid I was for thinking something in the last year. I want to have plenty of those. I want restored joy in my salvation that would let me give God some glory. I want to keep the faith and be more like Jesus than I was before.

Since we are a skateboard ministry i feel like i need to ask you about that. What role does your skateboarding play in your relationship with Jesus?
Sometimes I feel like I'm always asking the Lord to bless my skateboarding. Sometimes I feel like my filming and photos are all selfish ambition and pride, and though I don't deserve the blessings I've been given, I can only hope that Christ shines through in some way. I know I see dudes like Josh Harmony and Brian Sumner publicly confessing Christ to the skateboard world, and I'm encouraged. But I shouldn't need a spotlight to be crazy for Christ, and that's my conviction that I struggle to live up to. Filming missions can be missions trips to share the Gospel, but I have a lot of room to grow. By the Holy Spirit's leading, that growth can happen tomorrow if I die enough to follow him. My skateboarding is a gift he's given me, but I'd like to give more glory to him. If you're reading this, and you don't already know Christ, I want you to get to know him and experience the inexpressible joy of receiving the salvation of your soul!

Do you get to skate very much now with the brutal Maryland winters? If so where?
My friends are gnarly. It's January now, and we're still going out skating as normal. It might snow tomorrow, and now everyone is back at school, but we were getting up at 8 and going out for a day or two, then everyone got sick. There aren't too many indoor parks in close proximity, so we just bundle up and shed layers down to our t-shirts when we get too hot.

Hmmm if you could be any insect what would it be and why?
A fly. I could fly.

Calvin Ramsey Interviewed!

Whats new in Calvin's world?
Well, I just started my second semester here at CofO (College of the Ozarks : Branson, Missouri) and have the enormous blessing of living on campus opposed to commuting. Oh and I just learned switch tres!

How is school, what are you studying?
Well, so far school has been great, I'm super blessed to be going to CofO. My major at the moment is Psychology but lately I have been considering a major in sound engineering or something similar.

How is living on campus and away from your family now?
Of course it was somewhat emotional at first and I do miss them, but I love living on campus!

What music do you find yourself listening to a lot right now?
Currently I have been listening to this mash up of The Black Keys and Big Boi which is really good. The Walkmen, Deerhunter, the new Smith Western's single "All Die Young" is really good too.

How does your relationship with God play into your skateboarding?
Skateboarding has been one of the biggest blessing I've ever received. I've met so many friends and traveled to various places. To be honest, I enjoy skateboarding much more when my relationship with the Lord is going well.

Who do you find yourself skating with the most?
Levi Pollard (stunt fetus), Mark Vote, my imaginary friend (jk).

How has God been blessing you lately?
Where to begin..... I have food, clothes, friends, family, school, skateboarding, health...... I could go on forever. The worst part.....I don't deserve any of it.

What have you been struggling with lately?
Without going into too much detail I'll just generalize it with Lust. Lust, lewd/crude language, fear and doubt have always been my biggest struggles.

Any advice to someone who is struggling with the same thing?
The biggest thing I've learned about any and every sin, is that there is ALWAYS an opportunity to say no or to choose the right choice. It is promised in the Bible...I can't remember where though! I think it's in Romans.

Is there a scripture you have been chewing on lately?
Nothing in particular at the moment, but Romans 7: 14-25 has been coming up over and over to me. hmmmmm

Romans 7:14-25 14 We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. 15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. 16 And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. 17 As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.

21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 2425 a slave to the law of sin. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature.

Back tail that man-sized 8 you front boarded or switch hill bomb down town Branson into the landing?
Back tail for sure.... I hate bombing hills haha SPEEEED WOOOOBLES

Any last words of encouragement to who ever is reading this?
I know it's cliche, but I believe a relationship with the Lord is the most important thing in our lives. God is your friend, talk to Him about anything and everything. How your feeling, if your upset with something, if your mad at something....everything.

Dylan Harreld Interviewed!

Dylan how are you buddy?
Pretty dang good man, watching the blizzard outside. I actually took about three days off from skateboarding to enjoy the last few days of winter break before school starts up.

What have you been up to lately?
I am currently working on a video for Wisdom Skateboards which is a Christian Skateboard Company founded by Dave Tinker, in sunny Winter Springs, Florida.

How is school going?
Good, I actually have the highest GPA I think I have ever had. It's so much easier when you are studying something you actually enjoy.

What are you studying?
Graphic Design Technology. It's something I can actually see myself doing in the Skateboard Industry in years to come.

Are you still on the job hunt?
Actually no, I have a homie that is hooking me up with a job at the local Zumiez here.

What are you struggling with anything at the moment?
Life is always going to be a struggle, without life's struggles we wouldn't have values, and we wouldn't learn some of life's greatest lessons. When I first moved to Springfield I definitely was struggling with fitting in. Tentative asked me to skate a local competition with them, I was super nervous to be honest. The team prayed before the event took place, and luckily the Lord not only calmed my nerves, but I had an almost flawless run. After that making friends around the skate park was really easy for me to do. I was so blessed the Lord answered my prayer that day, its another example that all prayers, no matter how small are heard.

Well we are a skateboard ministry, so have you been able to skate as much as you want with it being so cold and nasty outside?
It actually is the first year I have been able to skate an indoor park. I am always taking advantage of that.

Where do you find yourself skating at since its the middle of winter?
I am almost always at the Springfield Skatepark, if I am not progressing in skateboarding, I am trying to teach by example that you can be a gnarly person without drugs, alcohol, and swearing.

Any words of encouragement to anyone reading this?
The LORD is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked advance against me to devour me, it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall. Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident.
Psalms 27: 1-3