Levi ollies over Brian the youth pastor, while the kids cheer.

Mid interview.
Levi, Dylan, my wife and myself all made a journey over to illinois last weekend. The plan was to lead a skate camp at a local park, then share the Gospel saturday night and twice sunday. When we got to the park it was raining and very wet. Sadly we had to cancel the camp, but stayed behind a while because the park looked really cool. We decided to pray over the park and the weather and asked for it to be dried up. amazingly a few seconds after we were finished praying the rain stopped. we got some mops and a broom and about half an hour later were able to skate for a bit. as it was time for us to leave and make our way back to the hotel it started raining again. it was rad that God allowed us to have some time to shred. that night i shared my testimony and went way long, dylan shared his, and then i followed with the Gospel. levi killed it at doing flip tricks for the kids on carpet* sunday morning we did it all over again twice. it was such an amazing time and a huge thanks goes out to northwoods community church for bringing us out and have us share our lives with them. Our God is an awesome God!