What is new in Chris's life?
Well....Sk8 church is new...I just got Repent or Perish tattooed on my hands ! Pretty stoked about that ! Riding for Tentative is new also...And I'm super stoked about that !!!
Tell us about River City Skate Church.
The idea for River City Sk8 Church started in 2009, I was at a punk rock show where a local punk band from about 20 years ago was playing. So I saw some of the same old people from back in the day...and they were doing the same old things, getting wasted, doing drugs, but now they have kids, and I'm like wow...I wish someone could get ahold of these kids today and show them God's love, then they would nt have to live a messed up life like i did ! So God really put it on my heart....and He kept nudging me to do something....and I was really pursuing the Lord and skating every day....So the thought of doing a skate church surfaced, so I took a few months to research other Skate churches, to see how they did it.....so I reached out to The local park district and a christian youth center....both agreed to back me ! So we launched Sk8 Church on May 31st 2011 !!! Its a pretty simple concept...we skate...I feed them and give a short message ! I have really connected with the kids ! I'd say like 8 kids have gotten saved, we've been giving out Bibles and kids are wanting to learn to pray ! It's so AWESOME ! God is soooooo GOOD !
What was it like when you surrendered your life to Christ?
Wow ! When I got saved it was soooo gnarly ! I was going thru a divorce and I was way into the Rockabilly and Hot Rod scene. I was drinking all the time and hooking up with greaser chicks and was having a blast. But after a heartfelt conversation with my daughter, something changed. God used her to humble me. I started to feel conviction for the 1st time in my life. Over the next 2 months I slipped into a dark depression. I was drinking every night just to sleep. I just wanted the pain to end. So I started thinking that I should just kill myself. That would be the only way to ease my misery.. I had no money, my so called friends weren't there for me, i was alone and in so much pain. So I got off work at midnite and was at home alone drinking whiskey, it was like 3 am and i was so drunk, all i wanted to do was die, so I got my handgun and put it to my head, but I was to afraid to pull the trigger. So I just fell on the floor drunk and started crying so hard. I yelled out God if you are real I need you ! Jesus if you are who you say you are I need you in my life, if I don't feel you right now I'm going to kill myself ! When I spoke those words, I can't hardly describe it. I felt this like, huge weight lift off of me. And this big like ball of warm peaceful energy rested into my heart. I heard a voice say, Hey, its gonna be ok. I'm here for you, I willtake care of you. Put the gun away, put the whiskey away and get some rest. I slept like a baby that night ! When I woke up a had a horrible hang over, but I felt different, like new ! I went and got some counseling and started reading my Bible and going to church. That was September of 2008 ! God gave me such a hunger for His word and a horrible hang over, but I felt different, like new ! I went and got some counseling and started reading my Bible and going to church. That was September of 2008 ! God gave me such a hunger for His word and a desire to live and serve Him ! I'm so thankful for what Jesus did for me !!!
How long ago was that?
September 2008

What does a typical Saturday look like for you?
Typical Saturday....hmmm usually wake up like 7 or 8 and I spend at least about an hour of quiet time with the Lord. I pray, study Scipture and most importantly I LISTEN ! He speaks to me so often during these times ! Then I will do some housework, workout, then Cam and I skate til like 4, then we attend Church and Worship at 6pm...then we grab dinner, then movie time at home with my kids, then I reflect on the day and pray and read more ! I usually read the Word 1-2 hours every day ! I can't get enough ! Oh and sometimes I get tattooed on Saturdays ! Ha ha ha ha !!!
How long have you been skateboarding?
I have been skateboarding longer then most of you have been alive ! Ha ! 25 years
Any Sponsors?
I ride for Airwaves Skate Works our local skate shop and Tentative Skateboard Ministry
What does your setup look like right now?
I am currently riding a Reliance Elijah Moore Aqua Blue pro Cross model 8.18 Indy 159's with bones bushings and Spitfire F1 street Burners 99a
If you could only do one trick from now on what would it be?
Frontside slash grinds ! They feel just as good as the did 25 years ago !
With so many options out there it seems like Jesus is the last thing anyone ever goes to. but with everything out there right now what made you want Jesus?
Oh man....why did I want Jesus ? Because I didnt want to die and thats where I was headed. I was headed to Hell ! He saved my life ! He was there when no one else was ! He will never leave or forsake me ! Jesus is my everything ! I live to serve Him !

Do you have a life verse yet?
The entire Holy Bible is my life verse...but I would have to say that I love reading David's Psalms ! About 3 months after I was saved the really awesome Spirit filled retired school teacher named Pat was praying for me after Sat night services...she prophesied that God would give me a heart like David and that I would be an evangelist ! The Word has been fulfilled ! Amen !
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