So Brian, where are you at?
I am in Concord, NC (outside Charlotte).
What are you doing there?
I am enrolled at FIRE-School of Ministry getting training to be the warrior Christ has called me to be. To be equipped for a Jesus Revolution.
How do you like it?
I like it a lot. The teachers are full of wisdom and revelation. I like the fact that they teach it all in a practical way so as to make it easy to apply. haha
Is there anything you have been struggling with lately?
I have been struggling to really understand and grasp what the LORD has called me to do; in layman's terms, my destiny in Christ. I suppose it is a rut of finding out who i am in Jesus.

When you realize you are struggling with something is there someone you prefer talk to about it, if so who?
Yeah, there is definitely someone i prefer to talk to. Since i've been here i have been talking to my really good friend, (who is more like an older brother to me), Sean Graham.
How much skating are you getting to do with that east coast winter/ do you have an indoor park you can get gnarly at?
I was able to do a lot of skating up until about two weeks ago, haha. Then the beautiful snow came.There isn't an indoor park right now, but i am blessed to be apart of one in progress. I am also going to be working there later when it is finished and the owner has asked me to preach on occasion :-)
What is your board set up at the moment of this interview?
My current shred sled make up is: 8" (ATM) MOBB Skates team deck; Topped with Black Diamond grip (with my touch of a painted Scotland Flag); 1" Independent bolts; 8" Stage 10 Standard Independent Trucks; Abec 5 Bullseye Bearings; Black 52mm shop wheels.
Any scripture that you have really been holding onto lately?
I have been really stuck on Romans 6:7 "For he who has died has been freed from sin." And all of Romans 6 in general. Also Matthew 10.
Inspirational quote to cap this thing off?
"Every man dies, but not every man truly lives." ~William Wallace