What have you been doing lately?
Lots of skateboarding, little bit of working, and seeing my Girlfriend whenever I can. I'm on winter break so I've had more chances to get out and skate, getting some filming done.
How is school going, what are you studying?
School is school! I'm in general studies, undeclared major, I guess. I've been looking into bible schools or some school I could go to and take undergrad classes with some bible/theology courses. I need some prayer and direction for that one though.
How is your new job, what do you do there/where?
Well, I'm jumping between two jobs at Barnes and Noble and Rascals skateshop, at barnes, I sell books, at Rascals I sell skateboards. It's fun!
How has God been blessing you as of late?
Well, I got a job at rascals, and that's a big blessing. I have a summer job as an x-camp councilor at River Valley Ranch. I've got a great girlfriend who loves Jesus, and I'm being really provided for by my parents. I'm starting to recognize the work they put in to take care of me and send me to school. I also have a VW bus that's almost ready to roll.
Any struggles?
Well, God has been faithful lately. I struggled with lust with my girlfriend for a time, desiring things that aren't meant for an unmarried couple, but God got me sick with a cold, and then I gave her my cold and it got really bad, so we learned our lesson. It just shows there's a physical consequence to sin, but we repent and are healed. Pride in skateboarding is always getting at me too. I shouldn't be as into myself or my tricks. I also want to maintain better devotion. And I get in a disrespectful mood with my parents often... All of this needs prayer.

How do you go about getting away from this stuff? Any tips for who ever is reading this and also struggling with you?
Pray! Confess your sins first to God and then to your brothers, asking them to pray. James 5:16 for sure. I read Psalm 51 too, and try to make that my prayer. If you're becoming more like Christ, you've got to hate your sin more and more, and if your mind wants to satisfy the Holy Spirit, you will hate those sins. Choose to please the spirit, not the flesh.
Do you have someone you always try to go to when you are struggling? What role does that play in your relationship with God?
I have some brothers in the faith from my church who are all around the states at college, but they're only a text or a phone call away. I recruit my prayer warriors, and they pray for me. It also helps my accountability when someone straight up asks me how I'm doing with a sin struggle and what my plan is to get out of it. My girlfriend is the main one though, she kicks my butt, but I know Jesus way more because of her.
What are some things you are wanting to accomplish in 2011?
Every year, I look back and realize how stupid I was for thinking something in the last year. I want to have plenty of those. I want restored joy in my salvation that would let me give God some glory. I want to keep the faith and be more like Jesus than I was before.
Since we are a skateboard ministry i feel like i need to ask you about that. What role does your skateboarding play in your relationship with Jesus?
Sometimes I feel like I'm always asking the Lord to bless my skateboarding. Sometimes I feel like my filming and photos are all selfish ambition and pride, and though I don't deserve the blessings I've been given, I can only hope that Christ shines through in some way. I know I see dudes like Josh Harmony and Brian Sumner publicly confessing Christ to the skateboard world, and I'm encouraged. But I shouldn't need a spotlight to be crazy for Christ, and that's my conviction that I struggle to live up to. Filming missions can be missions trips to share the Gospel, but I have a lot of room to grow. By the Holy Spirit's leading, that growth can happen tomorrow if I die enough to follow him. My skateboarding is a gift he's given me, but I'd like to give more glory to him. If you're reading this, and you don't already know Christ, I want you to get to know him and experience the inexpressible joy of receiving the salvation of your soul!

Do you get to skate very much now with the brutal Maryland winters? If so where?
My friends are gnarly. It's January now, and we're still going out skating as normal. It might snow tomorrow, and now everyone is back at school, but we were getting up at 8 and going out for a day or two, then everyone got sick. There aren't too many indoor parks in close proximity, so we just bundle up and shed layers down to our t-shirts when we get too hot.
Hmmm if you could be any insect what would it be and why?
A fly. I could fly.
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