What have you been up to this winter?
Working at the skatepark, riding the fixie around town, spending time with my homeless friends, taking tons of photos, exploring outerspace, traveling in the mayonnaise, and skating a bit.
What are some things you want to accomplish this year?
Oh boy!... a lot. Most importantly i want to grow as close to our Beloved as possible. I want to dedicate myself more for Him. I want to be more involved with the homeless and at the skatepark.
So ...how many times have you been hit by a car or caused a wreck?
I've been hit by a car like 5 times. Only 2 were more major. Ive caused plenty of wrecks. hahaha
In all seriousness how bad was it and what got you through it and back to your old self?
It was bad. but should have been worse. i was inches away of having my head blown off. Car hit me going 35 while i was on my bike. i flew 40 feet. i thought i had broken legs. but after x-rays, i only had badly bruised knees and deep cuts on my lower neck/upper back. didn't skate for months though. it was intense.

What role does skateboarding play in your relationship with God?
Quite a big role. I learned so much about the faith at Ramp 48 skate park. Skating has always been a tool to share with other skaters also.
You work at Ramp 48 skatepark in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with two of the most awesome guys i know (Uli Frallicciardi and Joe Ferraro) what is that like and how is it working with such men of faith?
AMAZING! Its the best job i could ever ask for. They both encourage me so much and I have grown so much because of them. And its been my local park since I was in 4th grade, So its rad to be working there now
Do you skate more or work more at the park now?
Sadly I skate a lot less now than I used too. I work full time. At least I get to skate the park everyday.

When is the last time you learned a new trick and what was it?
Hardflip yo!
What are you struggling with?
I'd say Im struggling the most with pride. Humility is my goal
Do you have someone you go to when you start to struggle? If so how does it help you?
No better councilor than the Spirit. gives me peace. Oh sweet peace
Any words of encouragement for the readers?
"Seek not to be loved, but to LOVE!"

Lets end this with a banger. which would you rather rub in your hair? frankincense or myrrh and why?
I use both, but i prefer frank because its sweeter. Patchouli also ☮
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