What is Tentative Skateboarding?
Tentative is a skateboard ministry first and foremost. Tentative is subject to change, just as we are subject to change when the creator of the universe moves into our hearts. We are just a tight nit group of guys with a heart for ministry, helping others, serving Jesus and skateboarding. We use the talents that God has given to us to try and turn it back around so He can get the glory and His good news of redemption and love is heard. Weather we are doing a demo, outreach, or are just at the skatepark with our friends we try to be a light in a dark culture. On and off our boards we strive to be the best we can be for our God. In all we do we want to honor the only one worth being called a King.
What made you want to start TSM?
Im doing what I was called to do. When I am skateboarding I am in my element. It was my first love. Its my favorite thing to do in the world. All I ever wanted to do was become pro so I could travel the world doing what I love. I wanted the glory and the fame. After hearing the Gospel, being introduced to the King of kings and having a gnarly experience with God my perspective started to change. I realized how much of a blessing skateboarding is. How it is able to be used as a tool teaching life lessons, getting kids out of trouble, and giving them an outlet. Most of all how God can use a silly little toy to forever change lives for His glory.
What is it like being married, working full time, skating as much as possible and trying to faithfully run a ministry like this?
Really Hard haha. Very worth it. My wife is amazing, very supportive and encourages me to do what I need to do. She gets me in check every time i start to get stressed out from work, skating or life in general and i have an rad group of guys i rely on for support as well when I am struggling. As for skating, the winter is killing me. I work from 8-5 Monday through Friday, so as soon as I get off its already getting dark. So I always just go skate the Springfield Skatepark. Every weekend there is almost always someone staying at our house. So that's when I am able to try to film and just try to be a big brother to these dudes.
What do you struggle with?
What dont I struggle with? Off the top of my head...Pride, Lust, Envy, Not always doing what I know I should. Im a mess haha. Whether its something I say, think or do i am always missing Gods mark. Though I am such a mess my King has redeemed me. I am eternally His. My life is not my own anymore, and although I still mess up more than I want to admit I am forgiven. I cant shock Jesus. No matter how bad I feel when I mess up and how terrible I think I am. When He was on that cross He saw everything I was ever going to do against Him, all the times I turned my head away, all the times I spit on His gift, all the times I royally screwed up. He saw what I did and He didnt get off that cross. He bore my sins for me. He didnt have to, He was God yet He Humbled Himself to death because of all the idiotic things I would ever do, so I could spend eternity with Him. I am drowning in Gods grace and forgiveness yet deserve NON of it. No matter how good I can make myself, nothing compares to His love. The best part is, Jesus didnt just die for me. He died for you too. His gift is free, yet costs you everything you have. Even your life. and there is nothing I want more in the entire world than to serve my King, even if skateboarding is taken away. He is my prize, not a trick, or a sponsor or even the the best wife in the world. All is dim compared to Jesus. We are forgiven because He was forsaken.

Anything else to encourage those might still be reading?
Absolutely. Gods love is more faithful than the morning, and there is nothing you can do to separate yourself from Him.
-If anyone is interested in having Tentative to do a demo, have an outreach, teach a camp or to just encourage your skate kids please feel free to contact us. Our team is more than able to help out. There is no mission to small or big.
Thank you, TSM

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